Sanhit Polymer is one of the leading manufacturers & Installer of wide width LDPE (Grade 030, Heavy
Duty with High Impact as per IS 2508:1984 with up-to date amendment) /LLDPE/HDPE Geomembrane and Sheets
(Liner) , Mulching Film, Shrink Film, Green House Film (U.V.Stabilized Film- up-to 10 mtr. width),
Cap-cover, Cover-top, etc. Sanhit is having the most sophisticated plant equipped with modern equipments
with a total production capacity of 16,000 M.T. per year. Sanhit is growing up with Hi-tech plant, well
experienced staff members and valuable customers. Sanhit believes quality, which can meet customer’s
Quality Policy: We are having the modern laboratory, with well educated and experienced technical members,
who are always trying to improve the quality of product by: -
Sanhit,a home of widest range of PE Film in India, having most variation and value addition in its categories.
The world class production facilities are located at Bolpur around 180 km from Kolkata and just 50 km away from
the Industrial hub of West Bengal; Durgapur-Assansol zone.
Exploring the new areas and avenues is the essence of Sanhit Polymer entered in the field of Reinforced Cement
Concrete Spun Pipes and Poles and coming with colours in the field of Agro Business.
Sanhit has world class machineries with a team of experts to install, laying and Overlap Welding or joining of our HDPE or LDPE Geo-membrane in the site.